
9 "superfoods" to "recharge" your body (that you will actually enjoy)

This article is from the new second edition of my bestselling fitness book for experienced weightlifters. Beyond Bigger Leaner Strongerthat can now be found anywhere you can buy books online.

Also, to celebrate the book's release, I'm giving away over $ 6,000 in delightful goodies, including a 30-minute zoom call using your unruly Vitamix blender, Hypervolt Bluetooth massage gun, and more. Click here to see how you can win.

The central theses

  1. The term “superfood” is mostly a marketing gimmick that aims to induce people to eat healthier. However, some foods have unique health benefits that set them apart from the rest.
  2. The main "superfoods" to include in your diet are fish, garlic, blueberry, cranberry, oats, cruciferous vegetables, dark chocolate, and black seeds.
  3. Read on to learn what makes these foods “great,” how much of each you should be eating for maximum health benefits, how to include them in your diet, and more.

Imagine if you eat a handful of special foods every day you can maximize your brain power, metabolism, energy level, immunity, physical performance, muscle gain, libido, skin, hair and nail health.

Imagine it further – because this is more real than ever.

There is no single food that can single-handedly change your health and wellbeing.

Only one lifestyle can do that – one that is about eating nutritious foods, exercising, maintaining good sleep hygiene, and balancing stress and relaxation.

However, food and dietary supplement marketers are not letting such an annoying fact thwart their drafts on our paychecks, and so we have the "superfood" phenomenon.

You are struggling with acne, you say?

You don't have to exercise and stop eating all of the sugary treats you love.

Vapid male celebrity # 2343 says eat some avocado, salmon, turmeric, and blueberries and you will have Photoshop perfect abs just like his (which are absolutely not photoshopping).

Want to lose more fat while you're at it? To forget Count calories.

Apples, almonds, olive oil, grapefruit, and oatmeal are the ticket, especially if you mix them up in this overpriced blender.

Are you feeling down and bored? It can't be the hours of social media, YouTube, Netflix, and porn every day.

Indulge in beets, grass-fed beef, eggs, and walnuts, and your mood and IQ will soar.

I think you get it: marketers coined the term "superfood" to sell things, and it worked remarkably well. Spinach, quinoa, kale, berries and tea are in their prime. And while the superfood white lie has encouraged many people to eat something better, it has also confused many about how their body works and how it works better.

Read: If you think "clean eating" is stupid, you are doing it wrong

Then why is this article about "superfoods" and "recharging" your body?

Because while you should be skeptical of the exaggerated claims made about certain foods, certain foods that are added to an otherwise nutritious diet can further improve your health, performance, well-being, and longevity.

It would be insincere to call them "superfoods", but they are way above your average "healthy" price. If you want to get more quality of life out of your body, then you should eat them.

Let's call them "functional foods" instead, because that sounds more reasonable and accurate, and here they are:

  • fish
  • garlic
  • Blueberry
  • Craneberry
  • oatmeal
  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • spinach
  • Dark chocolate
  • Black seed

Let's learn about each one.


Seafood is a great source of protein, as well as various vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, and vitamins A and D. They are also one of the few foods available The offers vital omega-3 fatty acids that are sorely lacking in many people's diets.

Read: This is the definitive guide to supplementing with fish oil

You can increase your omega-3 fatty acid intake either through dietary supplements or by consuming more oily fish.

When purchasing fish, your first consideration should be the mercury content. The Defense Council for Natural Resources offers Follow these guidelines to minimize fish-based mercury in your diet.

Fish mercury content

In addition to choosing your fish based on its mercury content, various fish are advertised as "wild-caught" or "on the farm". While wild-caught sounds like the healthier option, the science isn't clear-cut. With regard to nutritional profiles and pollutant levels, there are only a few significant differences between wild-caught and farmed fish.

Regardless of which fish you choose and how it was caught or reared, follow these guidelines:

  • Buy from a reputable supplier. A highly regarded local fish market is likely to offer better quality products than a large chain grocery store.
  • Give the fish the odor test. Fresh, unfrozen fish should smell like seawater or cucumber. Avoid fish that give off a strong, unpleasant odor.
  • Look for fish with elastic meat. If possible, put a finger into the fish. The meat of fresh fish will rebound. If the notch is retained, the fish has passed its prime.
  • Look for liquid on the meat. Milk liquid on a fish fillet is often a sign of rot.
  • Examine the quality of the skin. When buying fillets with intact skin, the scales should be smooth and shiny. Ruffle scales or a dull appearance are signs of age.

If buying fresh fish isn't an option for you, frozen fish, whether locally or from an online retailer, may be a viable alternative.

  • Look for FAS (Frozen-at-Sea) names. These fish are frozen just three seconds after boarding the ship, which gives them a superior taste and quality over fish that have been processed for longer.
  • Watch out for freezer burn. White, dehydrated spots or visible ice crystals indicate moisture loss, usually as a result of thawing and refreezing.
  • Look for moisture-resistant, vapor-proof packaging. Fish wrapped this way is better than wrapped one.

If you are not taking an omega-3 supplement, try to eat a high omega-3 fish such as salmon or mackerel at least once a week.

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Garlic benefits

Garlic has a long and illustrious history in traditional medicine for treatment everything from blood disorders to infections to aging. In fact, it's thought to be the premier diet performance enhancer.

Garlic gets its mojo from its abundance of sulfur, which helps the body produce Hydrogen sulfide (H2S). H2S is a gas-like substance that relaxes blood vessels, improves blood flow, and activates a protein The Signals Cells used to absorb and burn energy known as AMPK.

However, over time, garlic fell out of medicinal use as it is a type of artisan who, unlike a specialist, can do many mild things in the body, with less significant effects.

Modern medicine thrives on specialization and specificity, not generalization, and therefore prefers treatments that are very good at one thing, such as metformin for glucose control and warfarin for blood thinning.

Read: 13 studies answer: what is the best way to lower blood sugar?

However, garlic is still a great functional food and most are Studies shows benefits of using aged garlic extract at around 600 to 1,200 milligrams. This is the equivalent from about one to three cloves of garlic per day, depending on size.

Ideally, eat garlic raw, as heat destroys the enzyme that helps create the bioactive compounds that give garlic most of its unique properties. For example, research shows 60 seconds in the microwave, 45 minutes in the oven, or 15 minutes in boiling water can eliminate this enzyme.

However, heating garlic does not render it worthless, but rather reduces it to the level of a more basic antioxidant like blueberry or cranberry as opposed to a source of uniquely beneficial molecules.

If the thought of putting down a clove or three of raw garlic every day upsets your stomach, then you have another option: mash it, chop it, or chop it, and let it sit at room temperature for at least ten minutes before cooking. This releases an enzyme in garlic known as Alliinase The increases the creation of health-promoting sulfur compounds and protects them from the effects of heat.

I use garlic in more or less everyone dinner I do. I usually chop it up and let it sit for ten or fifteen minutes while I cook a stir-frying or vegetable casserole or heat a Soup, chili, or stewand add the garlic last when the dish is done. That way, most of the time the garlic is raw when I eat it.

Crushed garlic is also a delicious topping for the oven fish and chicken (Cover it with aluminum foil if it turns brown when cooked as it can taste funky when cooked over.)


Blueberries superfood

Blueberries (and all dark, blue-black berries) are a superior fruit because of their blueberries Anthocyanin Content that is a powerful antioxidant associated with enhances memory, Mood, and immunity, as well as less DNA damageThis protects against various types of diseases and dysfunction.

The dose required Getting benefits isn't small, but still workable – 60 to 120 grams of fresh blueberries, or about ½ to 1 cup per day. The highest doses used in studies are around 250 grams, which would be tedious to eat but easily turned into a juice.

You can also opt for frozen blueberries and Aim at about 175 grams per day. The freeze-drying process results in a slight loss of antioxidant capacity, but this is not a cause for concern as the antioxidant content rise in the Berries after freezing.

When you buy a pre-made blueberry juice, make sure that it is not only flavored with blueberry but also made with blueberries. The first ingredient should be blueberry.

I usually eat blueberries fresh and raw. They're especially good when mixed with oatmeal and make great additions to salads too.


Cranberry superfoods

Cranberries have been linked to improved urinary health for years and more recently. high– –quality proofs has been found to aid this.

How cranberry does this is neat too – instead of killing the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections, it keeps them from sticking to the urinary tract.

They also have results was seen with just 500 milligrams of cranberry fruit powder, which is just dehydrated cranberries filled in capsules. In another study Scientists conducted at the university hospital found that a dose of just 1.5 g of dried cranberries was effective. Even has cranberry juice was shown work.

Like most berries, cranberries are high in water, so an effective dose of fresh cranberries is around 11 grams (a small handful).


Oat bowl

Despite what they Paleo people Would you believe we humans have enjoyed oats for a very long time. For example a 2015 study Carried out by scientists from the University of Florence, our ancient ancestors found oats 33,000 years ago.

There are good reasons this grain has stood the test of time too.

It grows easily in many different environments and is easy to store, has a mild, pleasant taste that pairs well with many other foods, and is an excellent source of various minerals including magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus Beta glucana soluble fiber attached to Improving cholesterol and blood sugar levels and increasing heart health.

Oats are cheap too. At around 10 to 15 cents per serving, they are hard to beat in total.

However, a common mistake made with oats is that they contain them Phytateswhat makes them unhealthy to eat. Phytate is a compound found in plant foods that hinders the absorption of minerals. However, it is silly to use this fact to attack oats.

First, oats are not uniquely rich in phytates. Indeed, they to have about the same amount as similar grains like barley and rye, and much less than legumes like kidney beans, peanuts, walnuts, almonds, and cashews.

Second, although phytates in oats block some mineral absorption, it does not enough lead to mineral deficiencies or health problems. Additionally, oatmeal is rich enough in minerals that its phytates only knock it down by one sprout from exceptional to average in that regard.

Ironically, phytates aren't all bad either. research shows They have positive effects on calcification and kidney stone formation, digestion, blood sugar and lipid levels and anti-cancer effects.

I eat oats in the form of oatmeal when I'm lean (and particularly like baked oatmeal dishes), but I occasionally incorporate them into my diet when cutting or grooming.

You can also replace some of the flour in many baked goods with oats to help sneak into your diet (this often increases moisture levels, increases chewability, and gives the food a pleasant malty taste).

Cruciferous vegetables

Broccoli superfood

Cruciferous vegetables include cauliflower, cabbage, kale, garden cress, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and similar leafy green vegetables. They are called "cruciferous vegetables" because they are part of the Brassicaceae Family named earlier Cruciferous vegetables.

The main reason this vegetable family is on many "superfood" lists is because of their members contain three molecules known as Isothiocyanates::

  1. Indole-3-carbinol
  2. Sulforaphane
  3. PEITC (phenethyl isothiocyanate)

All cruciferous vegetables contain these molecules, but the amounts and proportions vary. For example, broccoli sprouts have the highest levels of sulforaphane, while ripe broccoli and watercress are high in PEITC.

Unlike other antioxidants, isothiocyanates do not fight reactive oxygen species, they do stimulate the production of three powerful antioxidant enzymes: Glutathione, Catalase, and Hyperventilating.

The main benefit of consuming cruciferous vegetables is a lower risk of cancer and especially colon cancer.

Many people also claim that they have anti-estrogenic effects due to their indole-3-carbinol content, which turns into a molecule called Diindolyl methane (DIM) in the body. While these substances interact with estrogen molecules to make them less effective, they do the effects are too mild noticeably affect body composition.

Although I am not aware of any studies on the optimal amount of cruciferous vegetables in our diet, one serving per day is a reasonable recommendation to have a positive impact on our health and well-being.

I eat cruciferous vegetables for dinner every day, usually in a pan, soup, chilli, stew, or casserole, and sometimes have them alongside fish or meat (steamed broccoli with a squeeze of lemon juice is a must).

Dark chocolate

dark chocolate

Yes, I am telling you to eat chocolate and I have science on my side!

Dark chocolate benefits mainly from the molecules mentioned Catechins, Which are Antioxidants are also abundant in green and white tea.

These molecules have various effects in the body, including enhanced ones Blood flow, Light protection, and Oxygen supply to the brain (at least in youth).

Fortunately, you only need a little dark chocolate for your meal plan to benefit from it –research shows Just 20 to 50 grams (about 110 to 270 calories) 70 percent (or more) dark chocolate per day is enough.

One thing to be aware of with dark chocolate is the caffeine content. A square of 60 percent (or more) dark chocolate (~ 13 grams) contains around 15 milligrams of caffeine, which can affect your sleep if you overeat too close to bed.

Black seed

Superfoods with black seeds

Black seed (also known as Nigella sativa) is a plant whose seeds have been used as a spice and medicine for over 2,000 years. The popular black seed oil supplement comes from this plant.

It is characterized, among other things, by its cumins and seeds Thymoquinone Content that is a molecule associated with many beneficial effects in the body, including hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and cancer-fighting properties.

Black seeds are delicious too, with a taste similar to black pepper (great for stir-fry recipes), and you don't need to eat a lot to reap rewards, either. One study Conducted by scientists at Sam Ratulangi University School of Medicine, just 3 grams of seeds found mild benefits for many parameters, including an improvement in general mood. And if you want a higher effective dose, double that to around 6 grams.

I like adding 3 to 6 grams of black seeds to a pan, soup, chilli, stew, or casserole as a condiment. When a recipe calls for black pepper, I sometimes reduce or remove it when adding black seeds to avoid too much of that flavor.


That is it for my list of notable foods to include in your diet.

If you don't like most or some of the foods covered in this article, you don't have to eat any of them to be healthy. However, if you want to optimize your physiology, I urge you to broaden your taste horizons. It's easy too.

First, if you eat a food repeatedly, you are more likely to develop a taste for it. Research with children, for example, shows It can take up to fifteen exposures to a new food before they get used to it.

Second, you can develop a taste for foods that you don't like by combining them with those that you like. For example, if you have trouble eating cruciferous vegetables but love cheese, combine them! Once you get used to eating the vegetables this way, you can reduce the amount of cheese until it is no longer needed.

Third, recipes are another fantastic tool for learning how to enjoy food. By spicing up the offensive food with a recipe, you can turn it into a tasty dish that you'll love to come back to over and over again.

Fourth, proper perspective helps in adjusting your palate. When you view food primarily as a source of taste, comfort, and pleasure, it is much more difficult to eat much of what is good for you than what makes you feel good.

However, if you think of it primarily as a supply of food and nourishment – "fuel," as some people like to say – you develop an addiction to nutritious foods and an aversion to over-consuming junk calories.


This article is from the new second edition of my bestselling fitness book for experienced weightlifters. Beyond Bigger Leaner Strongerthat can now be found anywhere you can buy books online.

Also, to celebrate the book's release, I'm giving away over $ 6,000 in delightful goodies, including a 30-minute zoom call using your unruly Vitamix blender, Hypervolt Bluetooth massage gun, and more. Click here to see how you can win.

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