Healthy Diet

Toddler-friendly breakfast ideas

Giving your toddler a nutritious meal is not always easy! But don't worry – we're here for you. Portable, delicious, and nutritious recipes to start the day right – so you can start worrying about how to get this sharpie off the wall!

Anyone who owns a toddler knows that they are constantly on the go. Therefore, your meals have to be deliberate! You have a few precious moments to feed them before they lose interest and move on to the next step. They want to make sure that the foods they eat are filled with the nourishment their growing little bodies need. We also like recipes that are portable and easy for little fingers to hold.

As your child makes the transition from baby to toddler, it's important that they get the nutrients they got from breast milk or the formula from a wide variety of different foods. It's also a good idea to expose them to different flavors and textures. This will help encourage adventurous eaters in the future!

With these things in mind, we've rounded up our preferred toddler friendly breakfast worth 2 weeks to feed your little munchkins. (Psst .. they make great snacks too!)

(Would you like more inspiration for breakfast for the whole family? Take a look here!)

week 1

Week 2

French toast cut into sticks with a bowl of yogurt and carrots in the background

Oatmeal blueberry muffins stacked on a refrigerated shelf

Waffle with spinach and bacon served with pears on the side

green pancakes with whipped cream and diced fruit pieces

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