
How to use the 80/20 approach to become a better runner

80/20 tips and tricks for running slow it down

It’s harder than it sounds. Use these five tips to make sure you have it.

1. Know your zones

Learn your low, medium and high intensity zones with a heart rate monitor. Low intensity is less than 77 percent of your maximum heart rate, where you’re “completely comfortable breathing,” says Fitzgerald. At moderate intensity—between 78 percent and 88 percent of your maximum—you can speak, but only a few words at a time. And at high intensity, about 91 percent of your maximum, you shouldn’t be able to speak.

2. Stagger workouts

Limit moderate to high sessions to one or two days a week and never back-to-back.

3. Minimize the middle

Some moderate exercise or pace running is necessary to prepare for a race. Just make it part of your 20 percent. To make sure you stay out of the moderate-intensity zone, ask yourself, “Could I see myself maintaining this pace forever?” If the answer isn’t a strong yes, dial back the pace.

4. Lateral pull

With all the energy you save by slacking off, replace a rest day with a cross-training day. It will help you add low-intensity workouts that don’t necessarily stress the same joints as your main sport.

5. Call back speed work

“People train too fast when doing intervals,” says Seiler. “They go really hard for a few, get cooked, can’t finish and go home.” Instead of going all out on the track, bike, or pool to get reps, hit a speed that’s just a little slower and record a few more fights.

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