
Dissolving lip fillers is on the rise: here's everything you need to know

In the last decade there has been a boom in the number of people getting lip fillers. From Kylie Jenner's infamous pout to the ladies of Love Island openly discussing their tweaks, lip fillers (along with other injectables like cheek and nose fillers) are growing in popularity.

But it seems things are about to change as many people are now choosing to dissolve their lip fillers.

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From Love Island's Faye Winter – who briefly had her lip fillers dissolved after realizing the filler had shifted from one side of her lip to the other – to Molly Mae Hague, who recently decided to permanently dissolve all her fillers , the trend for puffy lips is shifting.

Why are more and more people dissolving their lip fillers?

"The demand for filler dissolution is increasing for two reasons," explains Dr. Kaywaan Khan, founder of Hannah London. "Sometimes people get fillers from inexperienced doctors and have complications that need to be corrected."

The second reason is simply that lip trends are always changing. "As this happens, what people expect from fillers is changing, leading to customers wanting theirs dissolved to try something new."

If you were wondering about removing your lip filler – here's everything you need to know…

Can you dissolve lip fillers?

"Yes, but of course it depends on the type of lip filler," explains Dr. Jonquille Chantrey, Aesthetic Doctor and Medical Lecturer. "If the filler consists of a reversible product like hyaluronic acid, then you can dissolve it with the enzyme hyaluronidase."

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Some fillers cannot be dissolved, although these are less common. If your fillers are silicone, Scultpra or Radiesse, these cannot be dissolved.

How do you dissolve lip fillers?

"You can professionally dissolve your lip fillers by using hyalase — a substance that contains an enzyme called hyaluronidase that breaks down hyaluronic acid," explains Dr. Kaywaan. "This will dissolve your filler — wherever it is on your face or body, before it's then reabsorbed into the body."

Can you just dissolve some lip filler?

In some cases, you may only want to dissolve a collection of filler or a lump – rather than all of the filler – which is also possible.

“If you only want to break up a small amount of product (e.g. a clump) we use smaller amounts of Hyalase. In these cases, if not enough has been dissolved, the process may need to be repeated.”

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How long does it take to dissolve lip filler and how does the process work?

“It is possible to dissolve lip fillers in a process that can take around 15 minutes. But I always warn patients that they may need two sessions to actually get the results they want," explains Dr. Chantrey.

"If someone wants their filler to dissolve, the first step is a consultation where the practitioner wants to understand why the client wants the filler to dissolve, why this is the case, and the different options they have," explains dr Kaywaan.

“The procedure then begins with the application of anesthetic cream and a skin prick test to determine if there is a risk of allergies. If no allergic reaction occurs, the hyalase is injected into the desired area,” he continues.

Does dissolving lip filler dissolve your natural lips?

"It's possible for the hyalase to break down some of your natural hyaluronic acid, causing skin wrinkles and bumps, but this is avoided by using the right concentrations and dilutions," says Dr. Kaywaan. "When this happens, the body will also naturally replenish hyaluronic acid to replace the lost hyaluronic acid."

Is dissolving lip filler painful?

As with all injections, dissolving lip fillers can be uncomfortable, but generally it shouldn't be painful. "It can sting a bit, but it's not overly painful. I always use a topical anesthetic cream to reduce discomfort for patients," explains Dr. Chantrey.

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Does dissolving lip filler make your lips look saggy?

Generally no, assures Dr. Kaywaan. "Once the product has dissolved, the lips should go back to their previous appearance." However, the longer you have filler on, the more likely it is that your skin won't melt back as quickly.

"The extent depends on how long the filler has been there," says Dr. Kaywaan. "The longer the skin has been stretched, the more likely it will either need to be tightened or, in the case of the lips, gently plumped up."

*This article was originally published on Women's Health UK

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